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 The NICA-UAc - Interdisciplinary Center for Children and Adolescents, University of the Azores, is a research center that aims to develop, promote and disseminate interdisciplinary research activities scientific research and training, as well as providing services to the community, within the scope of the study of children and adolescents, valuing the production and dissemination of knowledge in an integrative perspective of the various types of knowledge.


Ana Isabel Santos  - Director

Magda Costa Carvalho -  Vice Director


Carlos Pereira dos Santos, College of São Tomás (Lisbon)/CELC of the University of Lisbon

Dina Mendonça, IFILNOVA, New University of Lisbon

Maria do Céu Barbieri, School of Nursing of Porto

Pascal Paulus, Modern School Movement & Aga Khan Foundation Portugal

Patricia Hannam,  SAPERE/University of Winchester, UK


Adolfo Fernando da Fonte Fialho, FCSH & NICA, University of the Azores

Ana Isabel da Silva Santos, FCSH & NICA, University of the Azores

Ana Paula de Ornelas Garrão, FCT & NICA, University of the Azores

Isaura do Carmo Pereira Ribeiro, FCT & NICA, University of the Azores

Magda Costa Carvalho , FCSH & NICA, University of the Azores

Margarida de Jesus Silva Raposo, FCT & NICA, University of the Azores

Maria Helena Horta, NICA, University do  Algarve

Maria Madalena Teixeira da Silva, FCSH & NICA, University of the Azores

Pedro Francisco González, FCSH & NICA, University of the Azores

Raquel José de Jesus Vigário Dinis, FCSH & NICA, University of the Azores

Renata Vanessa Moura Alves do Rosário Sequeira , NICA

Ricardo Emanuel Cunha Teixeira, FCT & NICA, University of the Azores

Sofia Oliveira Major, FCT & NICA, University of the Azores


Rua da Mãe de Deus

Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas

Sala D.110

9501-855 Ponta Delgada

296 650 000 (general)

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